Self Discovery.
Growing up, I was the quiet one. I didn’t like to hang around other people. Most days, I found myself taking long walk around the neighbourhood park, often alone at night. I enjoyed reading and going o the movie in the company of I and myself. I thought I was weird, I thought I was abnormal. Running through the course of life, I strived to be normal. I forced myself to mingles, I forced myself to laugh at all the knock knock jokes, and speak up in a group. But I hated doing all that. The worse part of it all, I teared very easily, a good heart-breaking song, or an extraordinary kindness will rim my eyes with tears, and because I am an Asian man, where blood would spill before tears, I often look weak and out of character. I would still consider myself quirky if not thanks to Susan Cain and her book Quiet: The Power of Introvert. Through Ms. Cain book, I found myself; I discover myself. I found that I was born unique: I get energy in being alone, I seek internal justification, instead from others. I am an Introvert.