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Questions to God by a 5 years-old girl.

While driving to school this morning, we were discussing the prospecting of traveling for Mi’s birthday in June. Out of nowhere, “Daddy, who decided my birthday?” Mi blurted. Caught me off-guard, I jerked the brake, my wife turned to look at me, both fumbling for an answer.

“Is it you daddy?” Mi inquired. I don’t think I’ve that capacity, I’m just person who’ve been trusted to protect you while you’re growing up, I told myself.

“I think it’s God, who’s picked your birthday,” I explained, wholeheartedly.

“I have questions for him daddy,” Mi pushed on.

“You want to ask God few questions?” I asked reluctantly, wondering what kind of toys she would be asking this time. Maybe a new barbie doll, or a new dress.

“Can you ask him, where he lives and how old he is?” She continue ” and what is his birthday?” I turned speechless, those were very good questions. So, I promised Mi I would find out those questions on her behalf. If anyone reading this and know the answer, please drop me a line because I don’t know.

Thank you.


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