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losing myself


There is a saying, when I was young I want to change the world, but as I get older, I learn to change myself.

Recently, I get a chance to understand my people, Vietnamese, a bit more, it is sad for me to tell you that I begin to lose hope.

I’m beginning to change myself, Kieu, because I’m tired of wanting to make my people better. I’m tired of helping them, bring them to a level, where they, themselves, proud of who they are, for the children to see them in a light that wow, idolized, honour, and respect. But I’m losing hope in that world.

Whatever, is going in Vietnam right now, are the consequences, and the direct result of my people doing. We deserves, the friend, the leaders, and the society, we, Vietnamese put ourselves into, and I’m too small to make a difference.

It is a sad day Kieu, I’ve not met a single person, who has any honour in their blood. They just want and have no regards for the other, as long as their house is clean, they don’t care about the neighbourhood, or community.

Should I wish to live in this world, I must change, and that means, losing myself, give up some part of myself. I just want to move to island somewhere, and live so, I don’t have to change to accommodate, to please anyone. I may just do that.

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