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Bad to the bone

Hi Kieu,

How are you em? Did the leafs turn yellow and the morning mist turn the grass cold where you live? Falls have come to Toronto. For some, this kind of weather is unpleasant, but for me, I kind of like it. The cold help me calmer, and the surrounding is quitter. I like to walk in the park close to home, with myself and my own thoughts. I know it’s weird. But I guess I’m one those people, who likes to be alone.

I like to reflects on things, and often during the week, I don’t have time to do it, so during these excursion, I look back the decision I made: what happens to it, and how can I make it better. Last week, the company decided to let go of an employee, who aren’t fit with our culture and believe. This decision has keep me up many nights Kieu. Because it is another person livelihood, that I have to make the decision. It weighted heavily in my heart for weeks. I wish there could be other options, because I have tried, and I fight very hard to find the path for her. But in the end there are none Kieu.

Just like you, your decision to leave Vietnam – Leave us.


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