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5 Revision of Bidong, Memoir of an absentminded exile.

Editing a book is a tough work.  It is more agonizing than writing it.   This is the 5 times I edit the book and it also my first time writing a novel. Oh my god, what’s an experience. It is a lot of work. I thought writing the 125 pages novel in the past two years was hard work, but editing it to make it looks professional even more of an agonizing task.

Some paragraph I held dear to my heart, have to take out because of inconsistency. Some major rewrite have to re-do to be concise and of course some prose have to rework to show cohesiveness.  That took a huge amount of time, because I have a day job, a family, and social obligations.  But in the end waking up late and early, I got it done.  I am happy to say, it went well.  I should have the final product in a month.

I have started researching a few publishers in the Canadian market and will begin my submission process this Friday.  Just brought a printer for that purpose.  I will be getting my first rejection real soon.

It has been a fantastic journey so far. I hope people will enjoy this book. It takes lots of sweats equity and I keep reminding myself that anything worth doing in life is hard.


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